場所(Location) 長野県 - Hakuba Goryu 観測点(Point) Random
観測者(Observer) damian 日付(Date) 080117 時間(Time) 0050
斜面・斜度(Incline) 25 斜面方位(Aspect) N 標高(Elevation) 1590 m
風速・風向き(Wind) C - 天気(Sky) Overcast 降水状況(Precip.) S1
気温(Air Temp) -8.8 (do C) 雪面温度(Surface) -6.9 (do C) タイプ(Type) Test
靴底貫入度(Foot Pen) 30 cm 積雪深 (Snowpack) 300 cm
東経(longitude) 137-48-38.0 北緯(latitude) 36-39-38.7

Purpose of pit was to investigate faceted growth at the Dec 29 and Jan 11 crusts since temperature have dropped. Some mild faceting at both crusts. Temperature gradient almost steep enough to produce facets in mid pack around 60-90cm
